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Newest Members who have just joined up:

little suger girl

Age 34 From St. johns, Newfoundland - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1586 Miles Away)

messgae me and with anything you like to know and ill answer

love to laugh

Age 39 From Corner Brook, Newfoundland - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1374 Miles Away)

Well i guess i'll begin by saying hi :) Im really just ur everyday girl with a bit of spunk i guess..lol. Im just looking for someone who wants to have a chat or maybe get together for a drink and have a few laughs. I love to have fun...weither it be...

luck and hope that what i need.

Age 32 From Aguathuna, Newfoundland - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1333 Miles Away)

am not a millionaire but am real.. i have anice dream and wish.

Take each day and live it like no other

Age 45 From Red Bay, Newfoundland - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1502 Miles Away)

I am 27 years old. love life. It's only what you make it. Love music, listing and playing. friends and Family are very important to me, without them life would be a little Dull.:)

Are u looking for a good time

Age 38 From Clarenville, Newfoundland - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1537 Miles Away)

I like to listen to music and hang out with my friends.. I love going out to clubs, and playing pool.I also enjoy long walks and swimming.I love watching soccer.

Looking for a mature life loving guy

Age 43 From Labrador City, Newfoundland - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1174 Miles Away)

Hi there i am a 27 year old picses from beautiful Labrador.I love life and am up for any challenges.I am a currently attending college for a Nursing degree.I love to help people and plan on someday to travel around the world to do that.I also love to...

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