
don't need ur love show me your loyalty.

Године 33 из Monroe, Washington На мрежи Пре више од 2 недеља

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  • Име Stephanie
  • Мој опис I'm a strong minded and strong willed type of person. I speak what is on my mind. Why avoid and continue dealing with something that could just be talked about and dealt with now. Respect is earned not just given. Loyalty is always my downfall. I have yet to find anyone that shares my view on the importance of loyalty and can actually back it up aswell. I'll ride with the man I love tell the end. Ride or die. If you treat me like I'm your world I will make you the same interurn. Honesty is key to any relationship. Once you lie you have broken the most important thing that makes or breaks it.
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  • Моје грађа Мали вишак килограма
  • Висина 178 цм
  • Раса Белац/Белкиња

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