Sunflower seeking sunshine

Wiek 39 Z New York, New York Online Ponad 2 tygodni temu

Kobieta Szukam Mężczyzna

Podstawowe Informacje Powiedz nam klika słów o sobie
  • Znam Następujące Języki Obce angielski, Inny
  • Widzę siebie jako osobę No one knows me better than I know myself, yet I cannot seem to find the right prose that would best exemplify my outstanding personality. I am a well-grounded individual who is not really political but socially conscious. My hobbies include reading (which is definitely my high) I also enjoy sightseeing, comedy shows, poetry jams, dinning out and so on... (you get the idea) I am considerate at all times,really!! I believe that everyone can teach me something therefore Im always very humble and modest but yes... A touch of fiestyness does come out every once in a while but maybe thats because of the caribbean blood in me, Lol!! I am definitely a progressive thinker and will challenge you intellectually as I expect you to challenge me as well.Of coarse, that goes to show that I love friendly diatribes and will always try to play devil's advocate in order to get a discussion going.Although Im a bit conservative, I’m not too much of a shy introverted female. Neither am I an extroverted one that is snobbish and all over the darn place. I’m somewhere in the middle (smile) just a tad bit recluse and a little cheeky!
  • Znak Lew
Poglądy Poglądy na życie
  • Moja Religia To chrześcijanin
  • Uczęszczam w Nabożeństwach Raz w Tygodniu
  • Mój Rodzaj Humoru To Przyjacielski
Gust, Smak Co lubisz robić?
  • W Telewizji Zawsze Oglądam Dramaty
  • Jak Idę Do Kina, To z Reguły Oglądam Komediowe
  • Kiedy Słucham Muzyki, Zawsze Słucham Muzyka Country, Rock, Pop, Blues, Jazz, Soul, Reagge, Folklorystyczna
  • Gdy Czytam Zawsze Sięgam Po Wiadomości, Zdrowotne, Religijne
Szukam Czego oczekujesz od swojego przyszłego partnera?
  • Co Jest Dla Ciebie Atrakcyjne? Dowcipny, Spontaniczność, Wrażliwość, Empatia, Poczucie Humoru, Inteligencja
  • Czego Szukasz? Expecting my potential mate to be all that is a bit stretching it. But in lieu of listing a bunch of qualities, I'll say this: I would like to meet a gentle man that isn't timid and standoffish. Someone willing to help me out financially (school tuition, etc.) Im am open for socializing and traveling as well as enjoying intimate times like going the movies, romantic meals, cuddling up and watching DVD's. Im hoping to meet someone who matches and contrast with who I am!
  • Jakiego Szukasz Związku? Nie Ważne

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