Love keeps no record of wrongs

Idade 47 De Chatham, Massachusetts Online Mais de 2 semanas atrás

Mulher Procurando um Homem

Informação Básica Conte-nos um pouco sobre você.
  • Eu Sei Falar Espanhol, Italiano, Português
  • Me Descreveria Como I am a world traveler. I was privilege enough to experience different cultures and to learn how to respect and accept all people. My mother was an international political journalist all her life. We travel at all times. I can adopt to pretty much anything and anywhere. I Enjoy everything that life has to offer with no complaints.

    The way to know life is to love many things. I am a Frequent Flayer at the Met, Jazz venues, museums. I'm the happiest when I'm at a Ballet,Opera, Classical Concert or off on countryside wkd getaways. Galleries are Superb!! Indulge the arts. Enjoy all sorts of literature & listen to pretty much anything.
    Absolutely enjoy the Outdoors.. SUN is LIFE.. Extremely appreciative of NATURE. Love all SPORTS. (Summer- Winter)(play and watch).
    Music is food to my soul and dancing is the oldest form of global communication. I enjoy taking care of myself. I am a firm believer in physical fitness. All true great thought are conceived while walking/ running. I am very active but I also find a balance where I can sit back, relax and enjoy a glass of wine.

    I follow the path were I can find peace, happiness and pleasure of waking up each morning knowing that things are ok!! Because I m going to try to make it smooth and free from strife with an understanding that obstacle are there for my own personal growth.
    I live by knowing that to be loved by someone is a privilege but to be allowed to love someone it is the greatest reward. I treat people as if they were what they ought to be in order to help them to become what they are capable of being. Because at the end their actions may end up affecting us.
    I am a member of different charities in the state of New York and New Jersey. It gives me great fulfillment. inner-peace and happiness are available to those seeking.

    If I have to grant someone a wish; It would definitely be a "SMILE". My ultimate day begins with a simple conversation with GRANDMOTHER. The most wise,kind & unselfish person I know
  • Signo Leão
Aparência & Situação Qual é sua situação atual? Descreva sua aparência.
  • Meu Tipo de Corpo: Atlético
  • Minha Altura: 1.6 m
  • Cor dos Olhos: Verdes
  • Minha Etnia: Europeia, Hispânica / Latina
  • Minha Situação Conjugal: Divorciado
  • Cor de Cabelo: Castanho Claro
  • Disposto/a a Mudar de Morada? Sim
Status O que você faz?
  • Nível Educacional Diploma Universitário
  • Eu Fumo Não
  • Eu Bebo Sim - Socialmente
Personalidade Como você age? Quais são seus gostos?
  • No Colegial, Eu Era Um Nerd
  • Meu Comportamento Social É Amigável
  • Meus Interesses e Atividades São Acampar, Cozinhar, Dançando, Jantar, Exercício, Família, Caçar / Pescar, Jardinagem, Música, Fotografia, Esportes, Teatro, Viajar, Voluntariado
  • Minha Ideia De Um Momento Ideal É Experimentar Novas Coisas
  • Um Primeiro Encontro Ideal Seria I would like my match to pick the place and activity of his choice. After he reads my profile, he would have an Idea of all the things that I enjoy. I am extremely appreciative of all sincere gestures.
  • Meus Amigos Me Descrevem Como Sendo Amigável, Alguém Com Quem as Outras Pessoas Queiram Estar
Vistas Visões de vida.
  • Meu Tipo de Humor É Amigável
Gosto Do que você gosta?
  • Na TV, Eu Sempre Assisto Documentários
  • Quando Eu Vou Ao Cinema, Eu Sempre Vou Para Ver Um Ação, Ficção Científica, Comédia, Romance, Drama, Documentário, Família, Animação, Suspense
  • Quando Eu Ouço Música, Eu Sempre Ouço Ambiente, Blues, Clássica, Sertaneja, Dance, Popular, Jazz, Latina, New age, Pop, Reggae, Rock, Soul
  • Quando Eu Leio, Eu Sempre Leio Antiguidade, Biografia, Clássicos, História, Poesia
À procura de O que você procura em sua alma gêmea?
  • O Que Você Acha Atraente? Humor, Inteligência, Poder, Espontaneidade, Consideração Pelos Outros
  • O Que Você Procura? I would like to keep this question answered. I would like my match to feel free to express who he is at our first date. I don't think it's appropriate to conduct an interview when you are simply trying to enjoy someone else's company.
  • Que Tipo de Relacionamento Você Procura? Encontro, Comprometido/a

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