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  • Мој опис Deal with yourself as an indivdual worthy of respect and make everyone else deal with you the same way~ www.luxurinacestyle.com

    I'm a mother, daughter,sister, aunt, and friend. Who respects herself and others. I an a healthcare professional and a blogger. I am aware of who I am I neither seek definition from the person I am with, nor do I expect him to read my mind. I am quite capable of articulating my needs. I am strong enough to make all my dreams come true. I know love, therefore I give love. I recognize that my love has great value and must be reciporated. If my love is taken for granted, it will soon disappear. I do not live in fear of the future because of my past. Instead, I understand that my life experinces are merely lessons, meant to bring me closer to self knowledge and unconditional self love. I know my past, understand my present and moving toward the future. Being a sucess in everything I do is must in life, love, family and work...
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